Collide Week 4-Even If by The Rock Church

Collide Week 4-Even If by The Rock Church

Since the beginning of time, men and women who follow Christ have always felt the pull between Christianity and the Culture in which they live. Public education has changed as well as the laws we vote on each and every year. Our forefathers felt the strain of becoming a new nation through the separation of Church and State. The foundation of our country found it’s roots in our freedom to worship thus declaring our independence. Two centuries before, a trio of Godly men began a reformation movement away from religion steeped in false tradition. The Middle ages, the diaspora, All the way back to Daniel trying to live out his faith in Babylon. It’s not getting any easier and it is not going to stop. So then, how does a Christ-follower react when Christianity and Culture Collide? In the first 5 weeks of this sermon series we will discover unmistakable truths of how to respond to the collision between faith and culture in a way that brings glory and honor to God. In the second part of this series we will explore real-life situations that we face almost daily and apply Biblical principles to help us navigate this collision for His glory and for our good.

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