2018 D-E Alumni Challenge by D-E Today

2018 D-E Alumni Challenge by D-E Today


The Race is On! Are You Up for the Challenge?    Get ready for the D-E Alumni Challenge!    November 11 - 20, 2018    10 Days 200 Alumni Donors. $20,000 to the D-E Annual Fund!      Why Give?  D-E Annual Fund contributions provide vital support to the following -- faculty salaries, facilities enhancements, orchestra, school theatre productions, robotics, STEM, athletics (fields, uniforms, equipment), financial aid, and professional development. These gifts bridge the gap between tuition and the cost of a D-E education.      How the D-E 2018 Alumni Challenge works:  Make your D-E Annual Fund donation between Nov. 11 and Nov. 20, 2018 If 200 alumni give to the Annual Fund, an anonymous donor will generously donate $20,000 to D-E!   Visit www.d-e.org/giving for additional details.    Alumni support is critical to the future of D-E. Help us meet this Challenge and give to the D-E Annual Fund.    Every dollar counts, every gift matters! 

Uploaded 2018-10-31T14:53:49.000Z


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