Earth ahoy! Theater play premiere trailer// Tierra a la vista!, primer ensayo general con publico by Borja Antolin

Earth ahoy! Theater play premiere trailer// Tierra a la vista!, primer ensayo general con publico by Borja Antolin

Earth Ahoy! Is an educative performance with a mix of theatre play, video projection and a final audience participatory activity. The aim is to infuse sustainability values in primary and secondary school learners but also in adults. It is an invitation to maintain and nourish: the spirit of wonder in the face of nature, the newness and audacity view of childhood and the critical thinking before todays environmental and human rights injustices. The theatre play gives clues on ecological food chains, pollution or consuming habits. Finally it is a call to see the world as a home full of colours and sounds. A house that we share with different cultures, plants, animals and landscapes. The final participatory activity brings an optimistic view against nowadays pessimistic worldviews by opening a dialogue between the spectators and empowering the audience to imagine the best newspaper news they can imagine. Created by Borja Antolin Tomas. The play is the final project of my studies on Education for Sustainable development realized at the Earth Charter Initiative: The scenography has been built and paint by Jana Pausch: ....... Other notes: The sun on the sail is after art from the theatre company Comediants. It is an acknowledge to children theatre companies that have inspired me like Comediants or PAI, and to my parents that brought me to see these theatre plays. Thanks to Yann Arthus Bertrand for the aerial images from the HOME film trailer: Thanks a lot for the music to Vegetal Jam: Additional sound tracks are from Zikali: and Putumayo World Music: The poster of the theatre play is inspired on art from Geoff McFetridge: The compass drawing is inspired in art from Jeremy Collins:

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