Medical Marijuana in Oklahoma (for HR and executives) by McAfee & Taft

Medical Marijuana in Oklahoma (for HR and executives) by McAfee & Taft

In this presentation for JurisIQ Learning Center, McAfee & Taft employment lawyer Paul Ross discusses the foundations of the Oklahoma medical marijuana system, the new protections it creates for employees and the limits of those protections, and how those protections interact with drug testing laws, unemployment laws, and the workers’ compensation system. We discuss how employers should amend their existing policies to ensure compliance, while still maintaining the maximum level of flexibility to create safe work places. And finally, we discuss the potential future of medical marijuana in Oklahoma and how our laws might change in the coming months or years. Topics include: • Basics of Oklahoma's medical marijuana law • Impact on employers • Where employers go from here This presentation requires a subscription to the Employment Law Compliance training module of JurisIQ, a service of McAfee & Taft providing unlimited online, on-demand access to timely compliance training videos targeting all levels of a workforce — basic training for the general workforce and expanded training for supervisors, managers and supervisors, and detailed education and training for HR professionals, executives, and business owners. » For more information about JurisIQ:

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