Nurses in Action - Kenya August 2018 by Dan Broadbent

Nurses in Action - Kenya August 2018 by Dan Broadbent

And here we are! After four brilliant and challenging and inspiring weeks; after bumpy matatu rides and the less than soothing sounds of screaming donkeys in the night time, after eating green grams and chapati and a probably inadvisable number of jars of Nutella, after tears of laughter and tears of heart ache; and most importantly, after delivering health education sessions to over 600 Kenyan people and direct health care to over 1000 more, our WYI Nurses in Action program for August 2018 has drawn to a close! Words can't express just how deeply grateful I am to have been working alongside such a beautiful and inspirational group of humans. To have so courageously stepped away from their daily lives in order to travel across the world in the service of others is no small task, and over those amazing four weeks I have seen each of them change the lives and outlooks of countless people with their skill and compassion, dedication and care. All whilst maintaining generous smiles and open hearts and holding each other through celebration and challenge alike. They are amazing people. They have done the most amazing things. If you are interested in a snapshot of the program, check out the video below (sorry it's long, but we just did a LOT!) And from the bottom of my heart, thanks team, it has been a profound joy. All the best x

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