Daily march | Hochschule Design Pforzheim | Germany by Gayathri Attoor

Daily march | Hochschule Design Pforzheim | Germany by Gayathri Attoor


DAILY MARCH With the word TRACES, everyone has other associations, other ideas and other connections in mind. Whether it is now culturally and socially educated or lived after, perhaps even bequeathed? Are people products of their education or victims of their genes? The biologist Sir Francis Galton has already dealt with this topic and presents also our initial question. Is our life not marked by an endless transmission of traces? Are we traces of our parents and they in return of their own? But even more our movements are traces in space and time and can make the lines through which we move visible. It is exactly this field of tension between autonomous movement and the targeted transmission of signs that has decisively influenced our short film project. The interest in the differences but also the similarities between our culture and the Indian culture has played an important role. Here it became clear, that there are generally valid, for all everyday movements. For example the movement brushing our teeth. In every culture the imitating movement of tooth scrubbing is understandable, unlike the representation of food. In the western world often through cutlery it is already differentiated. Of course in the representation of typical traditions, one thinks of the german tradition of „Schuhplattlern“ as an example, it also requires quite different choreographies. Our goal was to respond to the differences of the cultures and to create more awareness for each other. The choreographic elements were chosen, to show how different the everyday life of different cultures can be. In our morning routine the Europeans washes themselves in the shower with the shower head, but in India they use a bucket and a cup to control the water consumption. The discrepancy also becomes clear with the food, in Europe you eat predominantly with knife, fork and spoon, the Indians instead take a portion of rice with their hand and eat. Finally, the courageous swaying in the European beer tent at the Kirchweih as a contrast to the light-footed shaking of hands and hips in India. Another aspect of our topic was a self-experiment of transfering signs by using the medium of a performance. Here in the center of Pforzheim we wanted to generate a large audience, which should imitate our own choreographed movements. Often we are already influenced by the passing on of traces in the media and think in clichés and prejudices about a certain culture. This is what we wanted to demonstrate and create an other way of encountering between two cultures. To stand up for more understanding, acceptance and openness and to create more sensitivity to the traces in our world, whether through cultures, generations, parents, friends, objects or nature. So why don‘t you go looking for traces? Gayathri Attoor Fabia Brüning Franziska Siebenhaar Tanaya Bhalve

Uploaded 2018-11-30T05:53:09.000Z


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