EDUC 638_Blog Post Week 6_Option 3 by Leah Bond

EDUC 638_Blog Post Week 6_Option 3 by Leah Bond

Q #3: As digital leaders, how can we ensure technology is being used to allow students to construct knowledge, share experiences, reflect on practice, seek feedback, and contribute to the learning of others? Why is this important? Hey guys, throughout this video I will be discussing option 3 which reads “As digital leaders, how can we ensure technology is being used to allow students to construct knowledge, share experiences, reflect on practice, seek feedback, and contribute to the learning of others [and] why is this important?” As digital leaders and as emphasized by Sheninger (2014), it is essential to establish a clear vision. This will help educators in determining what types of digital tools and technology resources should be incorporated into teaching and learning. Also, as noted by Sheninger (2014), strengthening the wireless network, choosing to teach and learn a different way, creating a real-world space, and forming strategic partnerships can also help to ensure that technology in classrooms are enhancing students’ educational experience. Past research demonstrates the effective use of technology has the ability to significantly improve students’ academic success, perhaps as a result of more opportunities to share experiences, reflect on each other’s practice, the ability to seek almost immediate feedback, and the ability to work collaboratively on assignments. Lastly but not least, as mentioned by Whitehead and others (2013), “Data collection is a major key to finding out how technology is being used to impact teaching and learning” (p. 229). Therefore, it is important that digital leaders and school administration take the initiative to collect data related to technology in the classroom and student achievement. References Sheninger, E. (2014). Digital leadership: Changing paradigms for changing times. Thousand Oaks: Corwin. ISBN: 978-1-4522-7661-8. Whitehead, B., Jensen, D., & Boschee, F. (2013). Planning for technology: A guide for school administrators, technology coordinators, and curriculum leaders. (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks: Corwin. ISBN: 9781452268262.

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