Hide and Seek 3, 4 Dina Telem dance Group by Dina Telem

Hide and Seek 3, 4 Dina Telem dance Group by Dina Telem


The Hide and Seek dance production for children is based on the world that is so familiar to each and every child – the world of game. Child’s Games incorporates numerous facets and elements: fun, humor, competition, cooperation, imitation, fighting and reconciliation. During play, the child participates in a rich mosaic of personal and group experiences. The show is very visual it demonstrated by playing with shadows, figures of dancers changing to giant, big dolls, a baby carriage in different sizes, a Scene takes place in total darkness… The show is recommended by the Ministry of Education. Hide and Seek 3,4 performed in major international festivals and has been granted the Award for the best performance Bucharest Romania

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