LS-009 Loraine Sumner, "Sports" by Lesbian Home Movie Project

LS-009 Loraine Sumner, "Sports" by Lesbian Home Movie Project

Loraine Sumner's career as a coach & referee began well before the passage of Title IX and before she graduated from high school and spanned almost 40 years. She played and coached AAU softball, bowling, lacrosse, field hockey, basketball, taught physical education, and directed several summer camps. She was also a single lesbian mother. Her collection includes footage of her teams & their games; family events; and travels with friends and lovers. She edited the footage herself into six categories: Sports, Family, Camps, Schools, and Debbie (her daughter's name). Her edits involved many splices and the compilations fell apart during a drug store transfer. LHMP has digitized both the full reels the drugstore returned to her and attempted to reproduce her original compilations, adding, with her permission, one further category, "Friends & Lovers," which is based on interviews with Sumner.

Uploaded 2018-12-31T13:46:47.000Z


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