Yuca Arts (Young Urban Christian & Arts Inc) | July 2018 by Gregory Hernandez

Yuca Arts (Young Urban Christian & Arts Inc) | July 2018 by Gregory Hernandez


Yuca Arts is an Educational institution in the Bronx, New York YUCA's creative art and design programs expose youth to knowledgeable and supportive mentors, a curriculum that engages students, teaches practical skills, and collaborative interaction with peers. YUCA's flagship program is a three month certificate-based education program that walks the fledgling artist through the full range of skills and knowledge they need to pursue a career in the graphic arts. Designed for teenagers 15 - 19 years old, our curriculum combines graphic design, digital production, and screen printing. Upon completion of the program, students develop a portfolio that will enable them to seek employment in graphic design or pursue higher education in the visual arts.Classes are provided in three cycles consisting of ten (10) weeks and culminating in events that showcase the youth's skills and art and design portfolio projects. The classes are held in a state-of-the-art Arts Studio every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for two to three hours each day.

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