Automation in Testing - Richard Bradshaw & Mark Winteringham - Education by Ilari Henrik Aegerter

Automation in Testing - Richard Bradshaw & Mark Winteringham - Education by Ilari Henrik Aegerter A fantastic new three-day training course which can be taught by Richard Bradshaw, Mark Winteringham or with both of us! This course is all about Automation in Testing, specifically software testing. Automation in Testing is a new namespace designed by Richard Bradshaw and Mark Winteringham. The use of automation within testing is changing, and in our opinion, existing terminology such as Test Automation is tarnished and no longer fit for purpose. So instead of having lengthy discussions about what Test Automation is, we’ve created our own namespace which provides a holistic experienced view on how you can and should be utilising automation in your testing.

Uploaded 2019-01-31T07:52:22.000Z


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