John Prevc - A research film by Sherrie Edgar

John Prevc - A research film by Sherrie Edgar

23 minutes © Sherrie Edgar Full version If we understand how people work and socialise, we can develop a better understanding of how humans can be part of a community and not become lonely. Our environment state is a result of three elements, political, social and economic. Loneliness can be changed by designing great spaces. The La Corbusier attitude had developed environments where human beings where ignored. Well-designed density housing with ground and upper floor meeting spaces and also green spaces can allow people to meet each other. The balance of people in a space can have a – negative or + positive affect. The neuroscience of how humans travel in spaces can be gathered to understand why people congregate. Digital network can disconnect people, because the physical connectivity is sub-let out. Young people are at a social disadvantage. They are disconnected from the rest of the world we live in. The demands of life forces people to not be able to parent. Equality is key, a social network needs to be accessible so we are all included. The lack of funding on social housing and its environments has caused troubled families. The social structures are imbedded in our society, and people from all backgrounds should have equal opportunities. Education can break failing cycles. The society ills are bigger than the spaces we live in. If there is no proper living wage, there’s no point in having it. John Prevc is an architect and urban designer, with over 25 years of experience. Born in Coventry, John speaks widely about the importance of connecting people through the streets and spaces that they occupy. He believes that social cohesion is improved through the democratising of public space and buildings. John is a partner at Make since it founded in 2004 and responsible for a number of high profile regeneration projects, including the Heygate Estate at the Elephant and Castle, the north-west lands at Wembley close to the football stadium and Granton Waterfront in Edinburgh. He is also responsible for a number of mixed-use and education projects completed in the practice. John teaches at many universities and is an external examiner for Coventry University. John is a Building Environment Expert, appointed by the Design Council CABE. I would like to thank John for meeting me and letting me film him speak about the importance of our spaces and living environments. John spoke about many topics that are essential to how and why we are disconnected. John’s expert knowledge gave me better understanding as to why we feel chronically lonely, even though we may share spaces, the quality and the number in that shared space is crucial and plays such a huge part of a - negative or + positive affect. My parents lived in the the golden era, a city that was booming. When I was born, there was great unemployment and companies that provided such wealth started to decline. On reflection to where I have come from and where I am now, the lack of opportunities and being valued is the state I am in. My passion is in the arts and culture and with such a lack of this in the Midlands, I can not only feel lonely, but be lonely.

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