I am stitting in a room different from the one you are in now_museum by João Fiadeiro

I am stitting in a room different from the one you are in now_museum by João Fiadeiro


Performed at IVAM, Valencia, in the frame of "20 dancers for the XX century": a living archive. A project by Boris Charmatz. Twenty dancers and performers from different generations perform, recall, appropriate, reenact, lecture and transmit acclaimed yet forgotten solo works of the last century that were originally conceived or performed by some of the most significant modernist and postmodernist dancers, choreographers, and performance artists. Each performer presents his or her own museum, where the body is the ultimate space for the dance museum. Hence there is neither a stage nor a demarcation of performance space. More than legacy, this project deals with a kind of archeology: excavating gestures from the past, to be performed by a dancer’s body in the present. Metaphorically and quite literally, the collection for a museum of dance resides within and through dancers’ bodies. The body is the most active storage room, educated by gestures, full of memory ready to be activated for the present and future. This project presents a wild approach to history, where dancers are essentially executing tasks with doing whatever they want—drawing from their memories, their knowledge of historical solo dances, their own habits of movement, their moods, etc…It is really about investigation, a different kind of museological approach. The dancers in this project are free to choose and recall, teach, lecture, talk about, demonstrate, reenact, re-appropriate, look for the solo works they want. Some of the works are forgotten, some are known by everyone… some of the knowledge comes from child education, some from being a regular interpreter of the work, some are wild reappropriations, some are respectful homages, some are score/text/document readings. There is no stage because the project insists on the versatility of the performers: there is no “programme” to be followed, nobody knows exactly when and what is being presented by who. But everybody is invited to exchange, talk, ask, comment. Boris Charmatz

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