VIDA Scarves Sizzle Video by shopvida

VIDA Scarves Sizzle Video by shopvida

VIDA, a global platform that brings together creatives and manufacturers from around the world to create unique, art inspired apparel and accessories, on demand at mass scale. Our 100k+ artists include world-renowned artists from 150+ countries around the world. Each of our products is custom-made (we produce only what people want to reduce waste ) and has a unique story - from the inspiration behind its design to the personal stories of our artists. Additionally, we've proudly partnered with the Museum of Modern Art, Cher, George Clinton, Steve Madden, Lord & Taylor, and Iris Apfel, amongst others to launch exclusive new collections. For every product made, VIDA offers education and empowerment programs to our factory workers so they can build a better future for themselves and their families.​

Uploaded 2019-02-27T00:15:08.000Z


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