Star Legacy 5k Run for Roman by Brooke Arevalo

Star Legacy 5k Run for Roman by Brooke Arevalo

To Donate - To Learn More about Star Legacy - Roman's Story - and —71 babies are stillborn every day in the United States —In the United States, 1 in 160 deliveries results in stillbirth —Out of 49 high income countries, the United States ranks 48th in the annual rate of reduction in stillbirth —As many as 2/3 of all stillbirth families will never know what caused their baby's death Our family is running a 5k in support of the Star Legacy Foundation, which is an excellent organization that provides stillbirth awareness, research, education, prevention and outreach. This is something very near and dear to hearts, please consider donating!

Uploaded 2019-03-31T00:58:55.000Z


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