Busy Bee by Dato' Sri, Dr. Bee Loh by Book Videos

Busy Bee by Dato' Sri, Dr. Bee Loh by Book Videos


This book is about the real story of a young Malaysian who got his education from Singapore and Australia. This tell-all book talks about what really happens when you send your kid for their overseas studies and the struggle of a Gen X person when he enters the Asian business context when he came back to Malaysia to help expand the family business. It also talks about the need for a Gen X person to work smart—so what if you have a degree/masters?—to get their hands dirty, to do the correct investment, and to give back to the society. To learn more or order the book: Facebook: http://bit.ly/2GQyVMg Twitter: https://twitter.com/partridgesg Google plus: http://bit.ly/2XX5MoG

Uploaded 2019-04-30T01:41:45.000Z


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