The Fool-errant and his sunburn, vol. VULTURE by Hungry Hungry Raccoons

The Fool-errant and his sunburn, vol. VULTURE by Hungry Hungry Raccoons

Pardon all the interruptions, folks, we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming soon, but first we have a special news bulletin: Justin Bieber has been officially banished from Upper Canada for pettiness, bullying, and treasonous disavowal of Upper Canadian values…. Citizens are advised to stay on the lookout for any signs of his presence and warned not to engage, as he is considered armed and stupid and any contact may prove fatally contagious… Anyone who thinks they may have been infected with his tendency to relish opportunities to flaunt chauvinist male privilege and backpedal and deflect when called on it is advised to seek treatment with LSD or other psychedelics immediately before they compromise any friendships with women strong and confident enough to be fighting for a better future in spite of the sheer inertia of this garbage.. At least we can all look forward to that dipshit's red face when he has to swear loyalty to his new Queen, eh? In other news, copyright laws are currently under debate at the Upper Canadian parliament with a motion put forward by Astrology Party members to make it possible for authorities to revoke copyrights held by abusive cretins and expropriate funds collected within the realm to compensate victims and provide an adequate budget for education initiatives designed to forestall chicken-shit behaviour………….

Uploaded 2019-07-01T01:38:21.000Z


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