Traveling To Africa Made Easy With Jay Cameron by Maximum Impact Resources

Traveling To Africa Made Easy With Jay Cameron by Maximum Impact Resources

Since Jay Cameron's recent trips to Africa, so many people have expressed interest in going. He used to think traveling to Africa was difficult. It’s not!! It is actually one of the easiest things he has ever done. As a result of all of the Africa travel interest, I have created this free online info session that takes the fear and difficulty out of the process. Encouraging travel to subsaharan Africa has become a primary focus of mine because so much misinformation has been circulated and it has had a major negative impact on us here in America. Here are some common “fears” people have about Africa 1. Lots of vaccinations are required (truth is that many places only require ONE or TWO☝�) 2. There are no upscale accommodations (truth is that there are 4 and 5 Star accommodations all over Africa) 3. You are going to be attacked in Africa �. Of course anything can happen anywhere but I never felt unsafe on ANY of my trips to Africa. 4. Everything is “third world” (they have WiFi, malls, Uber in Ghana ��, resorts, museums, upscale restaurants, movie theaters, swimming pools, multi-million dollar homes, etc.) 5. All of Africa is the same (truth is that Africa is a continent with more than 50 countries with thousands of cultures, languages and cuisines) 6. I can’t afford it! (with the proper plan, you CAN afford it) What you should expect from the online info session? 1. You will receive a thorough breakdown about the Africa travel process. 2. An understanding about why Africa is once again becoming the new frontier for tourism, personal education and entrepreneurship 3. How you can plan a trip to different countries in Africa 4. For those concerned about affordability, you will learn strategies to help you develop an African travel plan

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