Missions 2019 | Driven by Love - Foreign Projects 1 by Fellowship Baptist Church

Missions 2019 | Driven by Love - Foreign Projects 1 by Fellowship Baptist Church


Missions 2019 | Driven by Love Driven By Love - Foreign Projects 1 We will take up a special one-time "Driven by Love" offering for various local and foreign mission needs. Please education yourself on these projects and pray for God to provide the need. You can give online at fbc.family/give, in the Church Center App, or in person. Please choose the "Driven by Love" designation. We can't wait to join together and see generosity make a difference around the world. • • • #FBC #FBCColumbus #church #Columbus #Ohio #CBus #ColumbusOhio #FBCCreative #FBCMedia #Fellowship #FellowshipBaptist #FellowshipBaptistChurch #FBCFamily #DrivenByLove #FBCMissions #Missions

Uploaded 2019-10-30T20:24:50.000Z


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