Abuse and Disabilities 101: Overcoming Barriers to Safety - CWBA & The Initiative by CWBA Executive Director

Abuse and Disabilities 101: Overcoming Barriers to Safety - CWBA & The Initiative by CWBA Executive Director


Presented October 15, 2020 by the Colorado Women's Bar Association in partnership with the Initiative | Presenter: Zoe Collins of The Initiative This webinar will focus on understanding disability culture and disability justice, and how we can better serve survivors with disabilities, rather than relying on laws and legal practice. Participation in this program will be very valuable for members who currently serve, or are thinking about serving, disabled clients or anyone who has experienced abuse. “Disability and Abuse 101: Overcoming Barriers to Safety” introduces audiences to the essential intersections of abuse and disability. - People with disabilities experience marginalization due to ableism, a set of beliefs and practices that devalue and discriminate against people with disabilities, and often rests on the assumption that people with disabilities need to be "fixed" in one form or another. - People with disabilities experience unemployment at disproportionate rates, as well as unequal access to education and affordable housing. - People with disabilities also experience abuse at disproportionate rates, due to the perceived vulnerability of people with disabilities and less likelihood of being believed when reporting abuse. This program focuses on the ways systemic, interpersonal, and personal prejudice and discrimination increase the vulnerability of people with disabilities due to abuse. The presenters will address the complex barriers and accessibility concerns people with disabilities face when requesting services or receiving justice. Through this program, we hope to inspire and challenge our communities to better understand the vulnerability of the disability community and to collaborate to keep this community safe, and make restorative justice, healing, and radical access possible to all. The Initiative provides victim advocacy for survivors of any type of abuse, including domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, elder and at-risk adult abuse, financial abuse, and caregiver abuse, with a special emphasis on trying to fill the gaps that other support services are unable to address. Learn more at https://ift.tt/3o2cCqH.

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