Center for Refugees in Chungking Mansions burnt down in fire, calling for aid to rebuild難民中心遭火災呼籲捐贈 by Jingyi Liu

Center for Refugees in Chungking Mansions burnt down in fire, calling for aid to rebuild難民中心遭火災呼籲捐贈 by Jingyi Liu

An incident in Christian Action – Centre for Refugees in Chungking Mansions, Hong Kong, was burnt into ruins. The fire was caused by a short circuit in the air conditioner. The center was severely damaged, fortunately no one was injured in the fire. The center's programs assist refugees with basic essentials such as shelter, food, clothing, toiletries, and emergency cash grants. The center is also one of the only sources for education and training support for refugees, as well as psycho-social and mental health services. The center’s staff member, Jeffrey Andrews, who is also Hong Kong's first ethnic minority social worker, is interviewed by DotDotNews, saying that the center has received many donations from HK society after the fire, but the rebuilding project is time-consuming and still needs the consistent community's help. The staff of the refugee center hopes to collect donations from the public to rebuild the office and purchase computers so that they can continue to serve refugees and the local community. 重慶大廈難民服務中心遭火災燒毀 向社會呼籲捐贈 日前,香港基督教勵行會難民服務中心因冷氣機短路導致火警發生。該中心位於尖沙咀重慶大廈。該中心的主要功能包括為難民提供庇護、食物、衣物、盥洗用品以及發放緊急救濟金。 該中心工作人員、香港首位少數族裔社工Jeffrey Andrews接受DotDotNews點新聞採訪,表示該中心遭遇火災後,已得到不少來自香港社會各界的捐助,但重建工程費時費力,仍然需要社會持續的幫助。 難民中心工作人員期望向公眾募集捐款,重建辦公室,用以重新裝修、購置電腦,繼續為難民及街坊服務。

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