Monologue of Me Part Two 241118 by Lavinia De Ayr

Monologue of Me Part Two 241118 by Lavinia De Ayr

With much gratitude and thankfulness for all the blessing and freedom life is and has to offer I remember in the lead up to making these video feeling pretty awful but yet resilient and determined to heal from the circumstances I found myself in. Making the decisions to continue to document my self-healing journey on film was just another small step to create change! I understand that education needs resources and that is part of what enabled me to have the self-confidence to speak and share my life experiences of abuse, every expression, gesticulation, pause, silence, look, glare, or stare is evidence of the truth behind the experience of life and abuse. Created as a resource for learning and as a form of self-healing and self-defence!

Uploaded 2020-10-25T00:16:04.000Z


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