CFA grant to fund ACRP teen education program -

The Community Foundation for the Alleghenies announced $229,722 in annual fall grant awards will be distributed for 85 projects in Bedford, Cambria, Somerset and Indiana counties.

Many of the 2020 Fall Grants address ongoing needs arising from the pandemic in the region.

For example, as Greater Johnstown School District prepares to begin a fully remote learning model next month, Alternative Community Resources Program Inc. is planning to open a new Adolescent Advocacy Center to provide internet access for any student who needs it.

Internet access as well as computer tablets and educational staff will be available through the new program at ACRP’s 317 Power St., Cambria City location.

The Adolescent Advocacy Center is made possible by a $7,500 CFA fall 2020 grant. 

ACRP President and Executive Director Frank Janakovic did not set a firm opening date for the program, saying it will be advertised as soon as ACRP has Chromebooks for students to use and a plan that minimizes potential exposure to COVID-19.

The center will be open in the evenings and will have staff and equipment to help students and coach parents on how to work with their teenagers.  

While the number of Chromebooks and admittance inside the building will be limited because of the pandemic, Janakovic said ACRP will also provide a hot spot so that families can access the internet on devices while parked near the Power Street building. 

“COVID-19 has had an impact on school attendance and learning,” Janakovic said.

“We are grateful for this grant that allows us to provide a program for students who are especially affected at this time.”  

Access to reliable internet and learning support are more critical than they have ever been for many local families, a statement from CFA Associate Director Angie Berzonski said.

“Our distribution committee appreciated that this ACRP project was addressing an immediate and ongoing need to improve access for local teenagers,” Berzonski’s statement read.

“The pandemic has made online learning access a necessity, and it is important to all of us that no children in our region fall behind.”


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