Miyuki Akai Cook - “Trolley Night 2” by Paige Ellens

Miyuki Akai Cook - “Trolley Night 2” by Paige Ellens


Bio: Miyuki Akai Cook was born and raised in Japan. She has always enjoyed creativity since she can remember, such as drawing, painting, and paper cutting, then her mother introduced sewing, knitting, crocheting. It was very natural for Miyuki to pursue art as her career. She attended Seian Woman’s college in Kyoto for a year to study textile, which was the first experience she dyed fabric. She earned her BFA in Interior Design from Osaka University of Arts in Japan. In 2000, Miyuki took a journey to the U.S. to explore a different culture. She re-discovered an interest in textile while she was studying at University of North Texas. In 2006, she received her MFA in Fiber/ Artisanry from University of Massachusetts- Dartmouth. She has been passionate about education and currently teaches at Marshall University, WV. Her visual inspiration and aesthetic are often from Japanese heritage. She calls herself a “maker” because her curious and adventurous personality let her to use various techniques and materials for different purposes. As a mother and educator, she is concerned about the young generation. In her artwork she expresses our coexistence and dilemma caught between human society and nature’s gift of life. Artist Links: https://ift.tt/2n7AgYi https://ift.tt/2o02N20 https://ift.tt/2nklw8r https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCclJ77gYm_cEeE2W4Wje2QQ?view_as=subscriber

Uploaded 2019-10-01T02:13:55.000Z


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