Access Alberta Fishing Education Program for free - Airdrie Today

In recognition of the fact many Albertans are self-isolating because of COVID-19, the Alberta Hunter Education Instructors’ Association (AHEIA) – a not-for-profit organization that works to educate about on the importance of protecting the places and wildlife – has made its eight-module Alberta Fishing Education Program available online for free.

“Given the current set of circumstances everyone is dealing with, we feel now is the perfect time to release the Alberta Fishing Education Program for free, so that all Albertans – young and old – can take advantage of this extra time they may have found themselves with while they self-isolate or quarantine at home away from school and work," said AHEIA's Robert Gruszecki in a March 28 release.

The education program is the only program of its kind offered in North America, according to the release and, beyond providing essential education about fishing in Alberta, its aim is "to provide confidence through understanding to better enable more people to responsibly spend time in the outdoors and enjoy and preserve our province’s most beautiful wild places and wildlife."

The program normally cost $39.99 and "offers a comprehensive educational experience" covering Alberta Fishing Regulations and management, identification of Alberta game fish, fishing equipment, fishing techniques, preparing and cooking your catch, safety while fishing, ethical behaviour, and legal responsibilities.

“Many Albertans are practising physical distancing right now, so what better time to learn about our province’s wildlife?," said Jason Nixon, Minister of Environment and Parks in a statement. "Our partners at AHEIA have generously offered to make the new Alberta Fishing Education Program available free of charge, and we hope Albertans – kids and adults – will take advantage of this opportunity. I recently took the course along with my two youngest children, and the three of us learned so much about the aquatic biodiversity of our province.”

AHEIA, according to the release, is the only registered charity in Alberta that provides this type of conservation and outdoor education to the public and has done so since 1964.

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