In the Name of GOD, I Curse the Gender Doctrine! by Sword-Bishop

In the Name of GOD, I Curse the Gender Doctrine! by Sword-Bishop

Excerpt from the sermon of the Sword-Bishop of 12.11.2017 - Topics: Whoever Supports Gender Doctrine and Early Sex Education Commits a Sin that Leads to Death! – Children Are the Apple of GOD’s Eye – With Pointed Objects They Stab into the Eye of GOD! – The Devil Wants to Corrupt the Children! – The Sense of Modesty is the Ring Wall Home page: – Onlineshop: E-Mail: Donations Accounts: Neuchristen, Bergstrasse 52, CH-9038 Rehetobel Post Account St. Gall: IBAN CH95 0900 0000 9000 9189 4 / BIC POFICHBEXXX Postal Savings Bank Munich: IBAN DE34 7001 0080 0120 0558 01 / BIC PBNKDEFF

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